Why dōTERRA?
DōTERRA's essential oils stand out from the crowd for many reasons. The first being that they are Certified Pure Therapeudic Grade. This means that they go through rounds and rounds of rigorous testing to ensure that we are receiving the purest, most potent, essential oils on the market.
DōTERRA only sources their essential oils from where the plants grow indigenously. The plants must be grown in the perfect altitude, climate and soil in order for them to create the most efficacious essential oils. Wintergreen, which is sourced from the remotest regions of the Himalayan foothills of Nepal, is much more effective and therapeutic than the Wintergreen that is grown in my backyard. Check out Source to You to learn more about their sourcing efforts.

DōTERRA's co-impact sourcing model is also a huge differentiator. To ensure that small scale farmers and harvesters in disadvantaged areas are treated ethically, doTERRA has introduced an initiative called Co-Impact Sourcing. This is an initiative that seeks to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships while creating sustainable jobs and providing reliable income in underdeveloped areas. dōTERRA is committed to the ethical treatment of its suppliers by providing on-time payments at fair prices. Growers and harvesters are encouraged to form cooperative groups to share collective benefits and bargaining power while improving skills and capacity.

DōTERRA's charitable organization, the Healing Hands Foundation, provides funding and resources to create community-based, social-impact projects to improve lives in the larger communities where oils are sourced. Past projects include building or sponsoring existing medical clinics, installing drinking water and irrigation systems, building schools, and providing other educational resources such as vocational training programs. DōTERRA truly has a humanitarian heart.
Finally, dōTERRA puts a huge emphasis on the importance of education for its customers. They encourage Wellness Advocates to create local communities where information is consistently being shared, so that customers are guided and feel supported through their health and wellness journeys. I enjoy gathering in the homes of my customers to share stories and testimonials with one another about how we utilize oils in our homes and how we have supported our minds and bodies in a natural way.